Sunday, October 19, 2008

8 Things About Me

1. Post the rules on your Blog.
2. Answer the six "8" items.
3. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving them a message.

8 Favorite TV shows

1. Survivor
2. CSI Las Vegas
4. Amazing Race
5. Two and a half men
6. The Mentalist
7. Criminal Minds
8. The Unit

8 Things I did yesterday

1. Got up and gave Don his Meds.
2. Watched TV.
3. Made Dinner so John could go to work.
4. Watched TV.
5. Looked at mail.
6. Read newpaper.
7. Went to wally world for some stuff.
8. Watched more TV.

8 Things I look forward to

1. My TV programs.
2. Gems in the mail if I ordered any.
3. Looking at gems when I can.
4. Going out on errands by myself.
5. My gemstone magazine.
6. Sunshine.
7. Spring Flowers.
8. Any trips near or far.

8 Favorite Restraunts

1. Puerto Valliatra
2. Poddle Dog
3. The Harvester
4. Olive Garden
5. Ivars
6. Steamers
7. Family Pancake House
8. China Sun

8 Things on my wish list

1. John getting the shed done
2. Good days for Donny
3. Energy
4. Find places to put everything I had to take out of what was my office now my mom's bedroom
5. Quit Sugar
6. Money for next year's vacation
7. My sister and brother would call my mom
8. More sunshine

8 People to tag

1. no one

1 comment:

Wendy Evans said...

You already need another vacation. You and dad should go to the time share thing again and get a free vacation. Grandma and Donny can stay home together. I hope you have a better day.